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Approved Instructional Materials

The WCSD Curriculum Department provides schools with quality instructional materials and resources that meet the needs of all students for each content area and/or subject. You can view a list of WCSD Board of Education-approved and adopted instructional materials for each grade level and content area below:
Resource Name Who Uses It Core or Supplemental Website
7 Mindsets Elementary Supplemental LINK
Code HS High School IT courses Supplemental LINK
Delta Mth Middle and High Supplemental LINK
Document-Based Questions (DBQs) Project Advanced Content Areas - Elementary, Middle and High Supplemental LINK
Edmentum Alternative School Core, CR Supplemental Tier 1 / Core LINK
Encore Special Education Supplemental LINK
Engage NY Elementary - SES Only Tier 1 / Core LINK
Exact Path Elementary and Middle Supplemental LINK
Fundations Elementary - K-3 Tier 1 / Core LINK
Geodes Elementary - K-2 Supplemental LINK
HMH Math Elementary, Middle and High Tier 1 / Core LINK
IXL Elementary and Middle Supplemental LINK
Let's Go Learn Special Education Supplemental LINK
Lexia Core 5 Selected English Learners Supplemental LINK
Lexia Power Up Selected English Learners Supplemental LINK
MobyMax Kindergarten and Intervention Supplemental LINK
No Red Ink Middle and High Supplemental LINK
Open Up Resources Year-long Algebra - WGHS Only Supplemental LINK
Progress Learning Middle and High Supplemental LINK
Ready Reading 3-8 Grades Tier 1 / Core LINK
Renaissance Learning Elementary Supplemental LINK
Ripple Effects Middle and High Supplemental LINK
STEMScopes 5th Grade Tier 1 / Core LINK
Unique Learning Special Education Supplemental LINK
Wilson Special Education Supplemental LINK